Kamis, 07 April 2011

Manfaat Buah Pome untuk Prostat

Manfaat Buah Pome untuk Prostat

Pomegranate Juice Inhibits the Spread of Cancer Cells
December 15, 2010 By: medicmagic Category: Alternative Medicine

The benefits of fruit in dealing with cancer is once again re-revealed by experts. This time pomegranate juice are proven to inhibit the spread of prostate cancer to bone tissues. This nutritious fruit is believed to be also beneficial for other types of cancers.
Pomegranates (punica granatum) is originated from the Middle East, but has spread to various regions. This plant can live in tropical or subtropical climates and is often planted as an ornamental plant whose fruits are edible.

Pomegranate juice help men fight Prostate Cancer
March 29, 2010 By: medicmagic Category: Health

Besides delicious when consumed in fresh condition, the pomegranate has many other benefits. For the women, this fruit is very powerful to help you care for skin beauty. While for men, pomegranate juice can help you fight prostate cancer.
Medical research has found, the effects of pomegranate juice in men strong enough to prevent prostate cancer and delay the negative effects of other diseases that have been diagnosed by a doctor. One glass of pomegranate juice every day can help you fight prostate tumor size twice as fast.

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